Saturday, September 13, 2008

Go Dawgs!

the biggest lil' bulldawgs fan

Today was game day at our house. Aunt Sara, Cousin Kingston, Cousin Brant and Uncle Ian were over to cheer the Dawgs to victory over South Carolina (BOO Spurrier!). Aunt Sara is the best! She got Kington and I Bulldawg outfits. Don't I look cute in my cheer leading dress?! Auntie is always spoiling me and Kingston with fun toys and clothes. After the UGA win, we watched the Auburn Tigers beat Mississippi State. It was another stressful game. I helped Cousin Brant cheer on the Tigers...just this once. :) Today was so much fun watching the games and playing with my Cousins and Uncle Ian. All I can say is GOOOOOOOOO DAWGS...Sic'em! Woof, Woof, Woof!

Check out more pics of Game Day at

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