Wednesday, September 10, 2008

20 Weeks Old

Sophia is 20 weeks old today!! So much has changed since our little girl was borned. Sophia has all most doubled her birth weight and grown 4 inches! She is working on holding her own bottle and sitting up on her own. She no longer hiccups all the time. She can hold her head up. She is working hard on rolling over. She drools like crazy...soon she will have her bottom two teeth. She smiles and coos. She knows who her mommy and daddy are. She sleeps through the night. She sleeps without a swaddle. She can grab a hold of rattles, pacis, etc. She blows bubbles. Ever her eye brows have changed from blond to brunette.

Check out more pics of Sophia with her friends, Carson and Christia:

1 comment:

The Blankinships said...

she is so so cute!! We miss you guys and can't wait to see you all soon - before she gets any bigger!