Monday, September 29, 2008

Drum Roll Please...

Check out Sophia's first two teeth!

Update With Solid Food

So we are all most a week into introducing Sophia to rice cereal and she still hates it. She is getting better at opening her mouth for the spoon but continues to spit out most of the cereal. :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chili Cook-Off at Stone Mountain

Uncle Ian invited us all out for a Chili Cook-Off at Stone Mountain Park today. I had a blast! Everyone wanted carry me around and feed me. It was awesome!! Can't wait until I am old enough to try some yummy chili!

Check out more pics of the Cook-Off at and

Rolling Over

Check out Sophia rolling over from her back to her tummy. Our little girl is rolling over so much lately. She is also able to grab things a lot better now, including her toys, your nose, your hair, your earrings, etc. We introduced rice cereal last week, but Sophia still isn't a big fan. We are working with her twice a day to try and get something down. Truthfully, I don't think she swallows much at all. She loves to spit it out and watch Mommy and Daddy try a push back in her mouth. This has been a huge challenge for us all. Fingers crossed she starts to get the hang of it soon.

Stay tuned for more of our little girl...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

King Graduates

My cousin, Kingston, graduated from his puppy class today. I am so proud of him. He has learned so many cool new tricks, like shaking my hand and sitting down. He is the coolest puppy ever!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

5 Months Old

Today, Sophia is 5 months old! Our little girl has grown up so much over the past month. Last night, Daddy discovered two little teeth poking through her bottom gums. OMG! Then today, we introduced rice cereal to Miss Sophie. She doesn't like it too much. Although, she was so cute trying to figure out what to do with this stuff Mommy and Daddy were spooning in her mouth.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Ladies and Gentlemen. Children of All Ages...Ben, Sara, Mia, Lilly, Eliza and I spent Saturday afternoon at the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Sophia is starting to giggle.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Go Dawgs!

the biggest lil' bulldawgs fan

Today was game day at our house. Aunt Sara, Cousin Kingston, Cousin Brant and Uncle Ian were over to cheer the Dawgs to victory over South Carolina (BOO Spurrier!). Aunt Sara is the best! She got Kington and I Bulldawg outfits. Don't I look cute in my cheer leading dress?! Auntie is always spoiling me and Kingston with fun toys and clothes. After the UGA win, we watched the Auburn Tigers beat Mississippi State. It was another stressful game. I helped Cousin Brant cheer on the Tigers...just this once. :) Today was so much fun watching the games and playing with my Cousins and Uncle Ian. All I can say is GOOOOOOOOO DAWGS...Sic'em! Woof, Woof, Woof!

Check out more pics of Game Day at

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hangin Out with Miss Christia

Happy Friday! Today, Miss Christia and I had a blast. We sang, danced and played with all my toys. The best part was hangin out on the deck in my Bumbo. I soaked up some rays and enoyed playing with my soft bunny shoes.

Check out more pics of Sophia with her friends, Carson and Christia:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

20 Weeks Old

Sophia is 20 weeks old today!! So much has changed since our little girl was borned. Sophia has all most doubled her birth weight and grown 4 inches! She is working on holding her own bottle and sitting up on her own. She no longer hiccups all the time. She can hold her head up. She is working hard on rolling over. She drools like crazy...soon she will have her bottom two teeth. She smiles and coos. She knows who her mommy and daddy are. She sleeps through the night. She sleeps without a swaddle. She can grab a hold of rattles, pacis, etc. She blows bubbles. Ever her eye brows have changed from blond to brunette.

Check out more pics of Sophia with her friends, Carson and Christia:

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Grandparent's Day

youngest falcon's fan

we are still working on smiling for the camera :)

Today, the Falcon's started there season with a win over the Lions! Although I didn't make it to the game with Grandmommy and Granddaddy Cooksey, Mommy and Daddy, I watched and cheered them on with Aunt Sara and Kingston at their house. Today was also a super special day because it's Grandparent's Day! I was able to talk to my Grandma and Granddad Powers this morning and hang out for a little bit with Grandmommy and Granddaddy Cooksey after the Falcon's game. I love my Grandparents!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Goofing around with Mommy

Go Dawgs!

The Georgia Bulldogs are 2-0. I don't know if I will make it to a game this year, but I will be cheering them on from home.

Goooo Dawgs! Sic 'em! Woof! Woof! Woof!

Out to Lunch at Goldfish

Today I had lunch with Mommy, Daddy and Aunt Sara at Goldfish in Perimeter Mall. From what I's pretty darn good. :)

More cute photos...

daddy, me and mommy

aunt sara, me and mommy

me at 4 months

Friday, September 5, 2008

Introducing the #1 Nanny...Christia!

christia and sophia

Christia joined the family back in July. Sophia has a nanny share with her good friend, Carson. We can't say enough great things about Christia and the little ones absolutely love her. Our families are truly blessed to have such a wonderful lady taking care of our babies.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Look No Swaddle...

sophie around 8pm

sophie at 7am

Last night was Sophia's first night without her swaddle. After her 4 month checkup with Dr Leduc, we all decided it was time to say goodbye to our much-loved swaddling. For a week now, Mommy and Daddy have alternated leaving one arm in the swaddle and the one arm out. We wanted Sophia to get used to the idea of her arms being free, and she has done pretty well. So last night, all three of us took the big leap. Sophia went to bed around 7:30pm with both arms free. She did great until about 8pm. Then, the real fun began! Mommy and Daddy took turn soothing squirt, but every time she would fall asleep, one of her arms would wave about and scare her awake. Our baby girl remained upset until 9:45pm when she finally passed out. The problem isn't that she doesn't want to sleep, but rather she doesn't know what to do with her arms. She has had them tucked by her side for 4 months. She did get us up about 4 times during the night, but once we popped her paci back in her mouth, she was fast asleep. Mommy and Daddy had fun watching her wiggle those cute little arms around and cheered when she finally dosed off. Hopefully by the end of the weekend, our angel will be used to the freedom. Just another sign of our baby girl growing up...Mommy isn't sure she likes it.