Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend In Destin

double fisting already?! i couldn't decide which paci i wanted. they both are so satisfying:)

i love the beach!!

all this playing is hard work.

my beach buds...julian and tyler

mommy and i can build some cool sand castles.

daddy and i are little fishes.

Sept 5-7: Mommy, Daddy and I spent the weekend hanging out in Destin, FL. We had a blast playing at the beach every day. Saturday morning, we met up with Uncle Doc, Aunt Cindi, Jarrod and LA at the Broken Egg for breakfast. It was so yummy. We spent the rest of the weekend with Ms Junie, Mr Ian, Julian, Ms Kathy, Mr Chris, Tyler and Miss Totts. I had fun playing with the boys. Julian and Tyler taught me everything I needed to know about trains, cars, lizards and dinosaurs.

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