Friday, June 5, 2009

St Kitts Here We Come

Everyone was so excited to be heading to St Kitts that you would have never guessed it was 4:30am! I was a rock star on our flights. I don't know why Mommy was so worried. I got to switch seats a lot between Mommy & Daddy, Grandmommy & Granddaddy and Auntie Sara & Toby. I have to admit it was fun. :) I even got to pose as co-pilot once we landed in St Kitts. I could have had some fun in there with the pilot. There were tons of buttons and switches for me to pull. Although, Mommy wouldn't let me touch a single one. America Airlines, I am ready to fly whenever you need me.

For more photos, check out

1 comment:

The Blankinships said...

SO CUTE!!! Can't wait to see more pics!!