Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Playing at the Beach

building sand castles with grandma

my new favorite drink...lemonade

swimming with granddad

i'm so sexy...he he he...mommy thought this was hilarious for some reason.

napping with mommy

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Auntie Sara & Toby's Engagement

Save the Date: May 22, 2010

St Kitts Island Tour

island tour with uncle millie

i wasn't a fan of uncle millie's (click on the pic to get a close up of that pout). mommy was my buddy for the day.

totally a daddy's girl too!

botantical gardens

mommy and daddy can't understand why i won't stay still and smile for a pic. hello! i have exploring to do. let me down!

so mommy and daddy both gave up trying to get me to smile at the camera and attacked me with kisses instead. :)

mommy and daddy

awesome marriott resort - where we stayed

Saturday, June 6, 2009

First Big Day in St Kitts

heading to the beach

going to frigate bay for dinner at kathy's

eating at kathy's...worth the wait for the best ribs in st kitts

grandma and granddad reading sophia bedtime stories

Friday, June 5, 2009

St Kitts Here We Come

Everyone was so excited to be heading to St Kitts that you would have never guessed it was 4:30am! I was a rock star on our flights. I don't know why Mommy was so worried. I got to switch seats a lot between Mommy & Daddy, Grandmommy & Granddaddy and Auntie Sara & Toby. I have to admit it was fun. :) I even got to pose as co-pilot once we landed in St Kitts. I could have had some fun in there with the pilot. There were tons of buttons and switches for me to pull. Although, Mommy wouldn't let me touch a single one. America Airlines, I am ready to fly whenever you need me.

For more photos, check out http://picasaweb.google.com/christina.powers/HeadingToStKittsJune5Friday?authkey=Gv1sRgCLKIpcrplOfDMQ&feat=directlink.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mommy's Little Climber

I DID IT!! I climbed on top of my table!! Yeah!! Now, I just need to figure out how to get down. Hmmmm....lets see. I know...MOMMY?! MOMMY?! Come get me!! :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Fridge Never Gets Old

This is for all the fans who love to see Sophia in the fridge. In case you were wondering...Yes, she still LOVES climbing in and pulling things off the shelves. :)