Wednesday, May 13, 2009

12 Month Check Up

dr leduc and sophia

wiggle worm - so different from her first doc appts where she would just lay still in your arms

our little lion

energizer bunny has nothing on sophia

Today, I had my 12 month check up. I weighed in at 21 lbs 9 oz and 30 in long. I am in the 75% for kids my age. Dr LeDuc also said it's finally time for me to try whole milk. Buh-Bye formula! Mommy says milk is good stuff. Can't wait! There's been a lot of changes happening since turning more bottle, soon no more formula, no more baby food...I wonder what's next?! I had fun playing with Mommy and Daddy, but all the fun ended when the mean nurse gave me 3 shots. I don't ever want to see her again. :)

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