Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy 6 Month Birthday!

our sweet angel has moved on up to a high chair!

sophia sitting at mommy's computer. she is working on her programming skills.

playing with miss christia

sophia loves her rice cereal...all over her face! ;)

just to be clear...sophia is not wearing florida, clemson or auburn colors. she is wearing her halloween pjs. she is a little bulldawg after all.

Can you believe Sophia is 6 months old...half way to being 1?! It's true what they say...the time flies by. Sophia is now rolling...not just front to back or back to front, but rolling to get places. Every once in while, you will catch her creeping on the floor (also known to us as the army crawl). Our little squirt can also sit up on her own. She's still a bit wobbly, but she is getting there. Our baby girl has teeth! Her bottom two teeth are just pushing on through. Not only is she eating rice cereal now, but we just introduced her to sweet potatoes and carrots. She isn't a big fan. She definitely prefers her bottle. Of course our little munchkin is a chatter box too. Her daddy has even got her roaring like a lion. It's the funniest thing ever. Precious is also going to sleep all on her own. Don't let this statement fool you...sometimes she will cry or talk to herself for up to 45 mins before passing out. :) We are so blessed to have such an amazing little girl. Words can't describe how much we love our Sophia.

1 comment:

ljesica said...

i love the strategically placed bath flower! and no, i can't believe how fast that 6 months has gone by!