Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Look, No Swaddle...Well, Maybe Not Just Yet

good night
good morning

So this week Sophia will turn 3 months old! Mommy and daddy can't believe it. The past 3 months have flown by. 3 months is another big milestone so we thought we might try saying good bye to the swaddle. Sophia takes many naps without the swaddle so we thought why not try sleeping without it during the night. So tonight, we decided to give it a shot. Sophia did great until about midnight when she decided to wake up. Daddy got up and rocked her back to sleep in no time. Mommy and Daddy thought we were in the clear, but Precious decided to wake us up again at 3:30 am! Mommy tried to get little one back to sleep with rocking, but it didn't happen so we brought back out the swaddle. Sophia was instantly asleep. Not bad for the first night, but I think for now we will stick with the swaddling. At least until she is a little older or she decides to tell us she doesn't want it anymore by breaking out of it. :) I must admit it was super cute watching her on the monitor...she couldn't quite figure out what to do with her arms. She would wave them back and forth and eventually find the most comfy position.

On a side note, Mommy and Daddy don't miss those middle of the night feedings. :)

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