Friday, October 31, 2008

Kingston's 1st Birthday

Halloween Night...we also celebrated King's 1st birthday! We partied all night long. I mean there were presents, ice cream, party hats...the works.

Happy Halloween

kingston and i in our halloween outfits

kingston and i getting in our halloween costumes

introducting precious pumpkin and the king

Halloween Night...Auntie Sara, Cousin Kingston, Granddaddy and Grandmommy Cooksey came over to celebrate with us. We ate some yummy mexican (ok I had milk, rice cereal and some squash...maybe next year I will get the cheese dip and guacamole) and gave out candy to trick or treaters. It was the best 1st Halloween ever! I dressed up as the Precious Pumpkin and Kingston was the King.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

6 Month Checkup

Sophia had her 6 month checkup today. She weighed in at 17lbs 2oz (all most twice her birth weight) and measured 27inches long. She is in the 75%-90% for weight and height. Dr Leduc gave us all kudos! Sophia is a healthy and happy baby. Unfortunately, she wasn't too thrilled about the vacinations that day. :(

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Game Day at Auntie Sara's

Aunt Sara and Kingston just bought a brand new 50" plasma TV. It's awesome!! Auntie invited a bunch of us over to watch the UGA vs LSU game. Go Dawgs!! UGA won of course.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Sweet Potatoes

Sophia's first taste of real food...sweet potatoes. I think her face says it all. Mommy and Daddy can't believe they are feeding little one with a spoon. A word of advice to all the new parents who are about to start solid foods...get the plastic bibs. They clean up so easily. Baby food stains, especially sweet potatoes and carrots.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy 6 Month Birthday!

our sweet angel has moved on up to a high chair!

sophia sitting at mommy's computer. she is working on her programming skills.

playing with miss christia

sophia loves her rice cereal...all over her face! ;)

just to be clear...sophia is not wearing florida, clemson or auburn colors. she is wearing her halloween pjs. she is a little bulldawg after all.

Can you believe Sophia is 6 months old...half way to being 1?! It's true what they say...the time flies by. Sophia is now rolling...not just front to back or back to front, but rolling to get places. Every once in while, you will catch her creeping on the floor (also known to us as the army crawl). Our little squirt can also sit up on her own. She's still a bit wobbly, but she is getting there. Our baby girl has teeth! Her bottom two teeth are just pushing on through. Not only is she eating rice cereal now, but we just introduced her to sweet potatoes and carrots. She isn't a big fan. She definitely prefers her bottle. Of course our little munchkin is a chatter box too. Her daddy has even got her roaring like a lion. It's the funniest thing ever. Precious is also going to sleep all on her own. Don't let this statement fool you...sometimes she will cry or talk to herself for up to 45 mins before passing out. :) We are so blessed to have such an amazing little girl. Words can't describe how much we love our Sophia.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fall in VA

October 16-19: This weekend we flew up to VA to visit the Powers family. We had a blast on the farm hanging out with Grandma and Granddad Powers, Cousin Joseph, Uncle NaNa and Aunt Heather. Joseph was just fasinated by Sophia. They had a good time playing on the floor together. We also stopped by Arlington to visit the Blankinships. Brixton and Sophia loved playing together and showing off their Halloween costumes. Our visit was way too short. We can't wait to hang out again at Thanksgiving. Miss you all dearly!

For more photos, visit

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wild Girl

Sophia was a riot this morning. Luckily, Mommy caught some of her silliness on camera. Tell me start off by saying she loves her Rainforest bouncer. Sophia will spin the parrot, pull on the money rings and look at the pretty lights. Mommy really never buckles little one in, but after today she may need to rethink that. I guess Sophia got tired of just sitting there and slowly scooted all the way down and off the bouncer. :)

Sleepy Head

Sophia did not want to wake up this morning. She was so cute sleeping, I just had to take a picture.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Precious Pumpkin

Sophia in her first Halloween costume. The cutest pumpkin ever!!

To see more photos, click here

Ok...sorry for the poor quality of this super cute photo. I will work on getting a better photo up shortly.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hello! I have a few things to say!

Sophia was super hyper tonight around 7:30pm. It was the funniest thing watching her jump up and down and just talking up a storm. One would think we just fed her sugar. Luckily, she still went to bed at 8pm. :)

We Love Rice Cereal

So it took 3 long weeks for our girl to get the hang of eating off a spoon and swallowing her rice cereal, but she did it!! YEAH! This 4th week has been great! We are so proud of our girl. Monday evening, Sophia surprised her Mommy and Daddy by opening her mouth for the spoon and actually eating (not just spitting out) some of her food.

Halloween Photo Shoot: Part 1

christia tried so hard to make a cute halloween scene, but her babies wouldn't stop messin with the props.

Today, Miss Christia had a photo shoot with Carson and Sophia in their Halloween outfits.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall is Here

No more 80-90 degrees here in Atlanta. Fall is in the air. Christia and Sophia decided to take advantage of the nice weather and venture out for a walk on the Comet Trail. Aren't Sophia's Converse shoes the best?!