Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day

aunt sara and sophia

chewing on anything she can get her hands on

grandmommy and her precious playing with puppets

Sophia had a great Labor Day weekend! Friday night, Mommy, Sophia, Auntie Sara and Kingston had a slumber party. We had a blast! Kingston couldn't stop giving Sophie kisses. Saturday, Grandmommy and Granddaddy Cooksey introduced their Precious to Alabama football. Roll Tide! (Note: The UGA game was not shown on tv. Sophia is definitely a future bulldawg and #1 fan!) Sunday, the whole Cooksey family hung out and Grandmommy and Granddaddy's place where we got to go to the pool and cookout. Granddaddy is a great griller and Grandmommy can make some yummy ice cream. We all needed naps at the end of the day. :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

4 Month Checkup

Sophia did great today at her 4 month checkup with Dr Leduc. Our baby girl weighed in at 15lbs 3oz and measured 25 inches long. She is growing like a weed!! You can even feel two little teeth on her bottom gums just trying to come through. Her eyes are definitely blue...just like her Daddy's. Sophie showed off for Dr Leduc by rolling over, chatting, smiling, standing up with Daddy and even sitting up on her own (all of 15 secs). We definitely have a brave little squirt...she barely cried with this round of vaccinations. Thank goodness we don't have to do this again for another 2 months!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

4 Months Old - JUMPER!

daddy - the builder

mommy and me - supervisors

good job, daddy!

i love my jumper!!

watch me in action

This Saturday I turned 4 months old! Mommy says I have changed so much in the past month. I've gotten taller (my feet are about to hang off my bouncers and swing), I talk all the time (especially after a good nap), I am working really hard on rolling over and sitting up (I do crunches in my bouncer...the parrot helps me pull myself up) and I drool like crazy (mommy and daddy are convinced I will have my first tooth in the next month).

Today, mommy and daddy got me the baby einstein jumper! I LOVE IT!! Mommy and I supervised daddy putting it together. He did a great job. Thanks, mommy and daddy!

Granddad and Grandma Powers

hanging out with granddad and grandma

watching a polo match

family cookout: daddy, me, granddad, keith, cheryl, kathleen, marie, mary claire and grandma

August 21 - 23: Granddad and Grandma Powers came to visit us. Sophia had a blast hanging out with her grandparents this weekend. She got to play with them, go out to lunch and see the horses again at the polo field in the Vinings. On Sunday, we had a cookout with cousins Cheryl, Keith, Marie, Kathleen and Mary Claire. Sophia was so happy to meet her cousins. We miss everyone already. We can't wait to hang out with the fam again.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


sophia is stylin' in her smyrna townie outfit. so cute! for those of you who don't know, we live just outside atlanta in smyrna.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Friday!

playing with my toys

dinner time with daddy...burp

movie star

Mommy and Daddy can't believe there baby girl is 16 weeks old! She will be celebrating her 4 month birthday next Saturday. Craziness!! Over the past few weeks, Miss Sophia has grown so much. She has gotten taller and stronger. She loves playing with her toys (especially when it comes to putting them in her mouth). She is grabbing and holding on tight to her rattles, rings and stuffed animals. Sophie is also trying to pull herself up into a sitting position while in her bouncer or holding onto your hands. We are just amazed by how much she changes each day. Our baby girl is growing up way too fast for us. :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Blankinships Visit Atlanta

wes, tara, brixton, christina, sophia and ben
the gang

sophia and brixton
sophia (15 wks) and brixton (5 wks)

the babysitters

polo field

August 7 - 11: Brixton, Wes and Tara came down to Atlanta to visit us this weekend. We met Brixton for the first time and fell in love with the little man. He is just the cutest! Sophia and Brixton had a blast together!! We enjoyed catching up with our best buds: playing with the little ones, checking out our first polo match, eating, spa pedis and just kicking back and talking. We miss them dearly and are already planning our next trip!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Our Mornings...

mommy and her princess
Mommy and I getting ready in the morning.

Every morning, Mommy and Daddy come in and get me up. Mommy gets me breakfast, dressed and brushes my hair. This morning, I am heading over to play with Carson and Miss Christia while Mommy and Daddy work.