Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!! Today, Gran, Granddaddy, Auntie Sara and King came over to celebrate Christmas with me, Mommy and Daddy. We had a blast!! Santa brought me all kinds of fun toys. I could get used to this.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Not so Jolly Times

Well, Mommy and Daddy took me to see Santa (or as I like to call him, Old...Big...Bald...Quite...Scary Man with Great White Beard) today. They were all jumping up and down wanting me to smile, but HELLO...who is this dude? All he said to me was hi and then silence. I am a social butterfly, but I wanted nothing to do with this. Mommy and Daddy said this was a special moment, but I just wanted far away from Santa and his little helpers. So after many tears, Mommy, Daddy, Santa and his little helpers caved and let me leave. :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Our First Christmas Tree as a Family

Puerto Rico for Auntie Sara's 30th Birthday

Sorry, it's been so long since our last post. We've been on the go since Thanksgiving. Mommy is in the process of getting all her photos in order, but in the meantime, here are a few holiday photos.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Slumber Party & The Pink Pig

Last night, I had a slumber party with Auntie Sara, Kingston, Grandmommy and Granddaddy. We had a blast! Auntie and I even hung out together around 4am. :) The best part of this weekend was going to the Pink Pig, Priscilla, at Lenox. Grandmommy even let me ride next to her...all by myself. It was so fun. We went around and around. I can't wait to go again! Thanks Grandmommy, Granddaddy and Auntie for such a fun Saturday! Love you bunches!

Check out more photos at

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Shopping with Auntie Sara and Grandmommy

Today, the girls went shopping to find Grandmommy a super cute dress. Mission accomplished!! We also found super cute outfits for me. I am one lucky lady who gets spoiled by my Auntie and Grandmommy.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Having fun with Miss Christia and Carson...

I love hanging out with my friend, Carson, and Miss Christia. They are the best! Carson and I have a blast playing together, like racing across the floor and stealing each other's pacifiers. :) Miss Christia is so much fun. She is always reading to us, taking us for walks, blowing us bubbles, feeding us and my absolute favorite thing...when she sings and dances with favorite is 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Girls

I love hanging out with Mommy and Auntie Sara.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


sorry for the dark was taken with my digital camera

Sophia has had another break through this week. She is beginning to move across the floor...crawling! It's so cute. She will cross her ankles, scoot her knees up under her belly and then she pushes. Our little girl is so smart...we all knew that. Here's another example...when she doesn't feel like putting forth the effort to try and crawl, she has learned to simply grab onto the blanket with her hands and pull it and her toys towards her. Smart cookie!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

UGA Game

Ok so I had fun hanging out with Auntie, Mommy and Daddy, but we lost to the Gators. :( A sad day for the Bulldawgs.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Kingston's 1st Birthday

Halloween Night...we also celebrated King's 1st birthday! We partied all night long. I mean there were presents, ice cream, party hats...the works.

Happy Halloween

kingston and i in our halloween outfits

kingston and i getting in our halloween costumes

introducting precious pumpkin and the king

Halloween Night...Auntie Sara, Cousin Kingston, Granddaddy and Grandmommy Cooksey came over to celebrate with us. We ate some yummy mexican (ok I had milk, rice cereal and some squash...maybe next year I will get the cheese dip and guacamole) and gave out candy to trick or treaters. It was the best 1st Halloween ever! I dressed up as the Precious Pumpkin and Kingston was the King.